Audi of America was looking for a new business management solution that would have the flexibility to respond to their growing and rapidly changing business environment. They started their search for a new system that was robust, user friendly and included additional features that they were looking for.
They decided on AMOS, Optimum Info’s business management solution which had several out of box features and the flexibility they were looking for.
Audi of America and Optimum Info collaborated to seamlessly transition to AMOS. Optimum first focused on identifying what metrics Audi needed to track, which involved overhauling all the financial statements.
Once Optimum knew the right data was being captured in the statements, AMOS’ dealer validations ensured the data was in balance, accurate and correctly mapped from the DMS. Data validation rules are set up to flag any outlier KPIs. If any are found, users can easily use AMOS to drill down to the financial statement and contact the dealer to investigate.
Travis S., Business Management Consultant for Audi of America, stated,
The biggest takeaway from having the whole AMOS system is having good data that was qualified and verified […] And we knew the data was correct because it was vetted time after time after time.
Features Audi of America found most beneficial include:
Prior to AMOS, Travis was producing all the ad hoc reports himself. If someone wanted a report, Travis had to spend time manually creating the report in Excel. Now with AMOS, corporate and field users are able create their own report in a matter of seconds.
One of the biggest benefits that Audi of America experienced with the Optimum Info system is the widespread use of the system. Soon after the initial training, users at Audi of America were logging into AMOS to create their own reports and conducting analysis.
Time efficiency was the biggest improvement after the launch of AMOS. A part of Travis’ responsibilities includes producing a twenty-seven slide, fifty chart PowerPoint summary presentation for Audi of America HQ. With AMOS’ KPI ranking and reporting modules, getting the necessary information for the presentation was simple. The summary report used to take Travis 4-5 days to develop but now only takes 3 hours, which includes time spent adding his own perspective of the data.
Travis emphasized that
time efficiency is probably my biggest gain.
Audi of America has made use of Optimum Info’s full suite of network development solutions. Besides AMOS, Audi of America is also utilizing
APEX, Optimum’s Dealer Package Management solution. With the success of both AMOS and APEX, Audi of America is now looking into adopting IKON, Optimum’s Dealer Contact Management solution.
There’s so much power in having everything under one roof. There’s an efficiency of time when you pull the data from the same place and use it in different areas. That’s the magic of Optimum
, Travis explained.
Aside from providing innovative solutions, Optimum Info has become a partner to Audi of America.
In Travis’ words,
We don’t consider Optimum Info a vendor. We have more than that. We have a relationship that’s really an extension of the business management intelligence. We really rely on the skillset, mindset, and knowledge that Optimum Info has.
Diana is a consultant for Product Development, Business Development and Marketing at Optimum Info, a company providing tailored software solutions for Manufacturers to improve franchise network development, dealer profitability, field operations and after-sales processes.
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